Say buh-bye to the goal-getting grind
and resolutions that go nowhere.
Say hello to Power Start ...
the simple, proven program
for making significant progress
on your goals for the year
in the first 90 days.
Power Start takes the science of goal-getting and translates it
into easy techniques (yes, easy) that make achieving your goals
doable, enjoyable, sustainable, and repeatable.
What if... the first three months of 2025, you had already made tangible, bankable, real-life progress on your goal (or goals) for the year?
What would be possible if, in the first three months, you were ahead of the game, rather than running to catch up?
What if the first three months propelled you into your most productive, fulfilling year ever?
It's doable. It's possible. I can show you how.
Tell me.... Does this story sound familiar?
Once upon a time . . .
A new year approaches and you start dreaming and scheming about what you want to accomplish in the upcoming twelve months.
You feel a sense of new-found optimism and promise. Time is precious. And at the start of the new year, it seems abundant and expansive. You stride into the new year with your goals, intentions, aspirations, and resolutions held high. Time is on your side. You are hopeful.
And then . . . time passes quietly - almost imperceptibly. Tick, tick. And then, you're well into April or May when the buzz of the new-year potential wears off, and you realize, like Dr. Suess, "How did it get so late so soon?"
Suddenly, abundance turns to scarcity and there's no time for optimism. You've got to get real, and get busy. And so, you opt to try to catch up, or simply give up. I mean, what were you thinking?
This is why how you start matters.
How you start the year, out of the gate, sets the stage and the tone. It predicts the future.
And that's why I want to rewrite that tired story with you - and start strong in 2025.
Not frantic.
Not freaked.
Not frenzied.
Not foolhardy.
Are you game?
I invite you to join me and other like-minded people who want to make the most of their time, energy, and effort in Power Start 2025.
Who’s it for?
Before we get down to brass tacks, let’s talk about who Power Start is for.
Well, that’s simple. It’s for you if you want to….
pursue a goal
make a change
chase a dream
take on a challenge
accomplish a project
build a habit
learn something new
try something out
cross something off that list (finally)
or you just want to get better at accomplishing goals
Maybe you’d like to accomplish a goal (or goals) – but you’re not so sure about the whole goal-getting thing. I see you.
Or you’re tired of feeling bad about not accomplishing goals you’ve set. (Can I get an “Amen”?)
Or you have no idea how you can find the time to have a goal.
Or you’re over the hyped-up hustle culture that seems to go with goal getting.
Or you seem to have an allergic reaction to planning.
Or maybe, just maybe, you’re one of those people who love pursuing goals. (Cool!)
There’s room for it all in Power Start.
There’s room to be YOU and make progress on big things and little things, easy things and hard things, work things and personal things....
Power Start guides you in making progress on your goal(s) in the first 3 months of the year - in a way that is doable, sustainable, and repeatable. And yes, enjoyable.
In a way that works. That's tested.
I'll show you "under the hood," so you become more attuned to how your brain and body work and why that matters in accomplishing your goals.
You’ll learn the art and science of goal attainment, including:
How to design goals and a plan that propels action
How to form new habits that are the engine of goal achievement
How to keep moving (when you don't feel like it)
How to stir motivation
How to deal with distraction
Why measuring matters and how to do it (easily)
How to set the conditions for success
What derails us and the work-arounds
How to cultivate a performance mindset (and why that matters)
How to transform set-backs
And more . . .
You'll make progress on your goal(s)... AND you'll learn the mechanics of accomplishment, so that you can rinse and repeat to make progress on your goals a matter of routine.
*Wait! Want to add 1:1 coaching to Power Start 2025? See below for a limited-time option to add on Coaching Power Start and extend the benefits. This coaching package is offered at a 20% discount.
Details, Details
How does it work?
I’ll guide you in a simple, deliberate process to design your goals and make tangible progress toward them.
Goal Starter Kit: When you enroll, you'll receive a Goal Starter Kit to help you zero in on goals for the year. I'll give you science-backed tips for creating goals that set you up for success out of the gate. (And no, I’m not talking about SMART goals).
Weekly Video Content: I’ll provide a practical (and powerful) focus for the week by video (15-30 minutes) to watch (or listen to) whenever works for you.
I’ll give you ways to put the ideas in practice. We’ll keep it simple, bite-sized, and focused.
Power Start Workbook: You'll have a workbook that includes the techniques and templates for putting the focus for the week into practice.
Weekly Email: Each Friday evening, you’ll receive an email with a link to the weekly video content for the upcoming week. This way you have the weekend to watch it if you like and you’ll be ready to take on the week.
Virtual Meet-Ups (Optional) for encouragement, inspiration, and accountability
There will be three 60-minute meet-ups on Zoom.
These are informal, come-as-you are affairs. We'll talk insights and challenges with a heavy dose of encouragement.
Ask questions, get coaching from me, and give and receive ideas. Goal getting is much more fun in a group.
And bonus: there’s some science behind that. Turns out that “social incentive” gives you a natural boost to make changes and progress in your efforts.
Can’t make it? The replay will be available for 10 days following the meet-up.
Why does this work?
To "up-level" performance, you need two things: expertise and accountability. And that’s what you’ll get through this Power Start program. You’ll have tested techniques to try out and a band of go-getters (like you and me) to help boost your own performance.
Why 11 weeks?
Because Rome wasn’t built in a day. And, we need enough time to build habits (which, btw, takes longer than 3 weeks) - AND a visible end date to keep the focus strong and make it manageable.
What's the schedule?
When you enroll: You receive the Goal Starter Kit so you can get going on identifying your goal(s).
Friday, January 10 (evening): The first weekly video drops with the focus for the first week of Power Start (Week of January 15).
Week of January 13: It's Go Time!
Friday evening, March 21: The final weekly focus video drops for the week of March 25
March 31: You look back on your progress and are ready to continue your momentum into the rest of the year.
Where will it happen?
Online (here): The weekly video will be posted each week in the Productivity Power School (on the Teachable platform). There is also a (free) app if you want to access on iPhone/iPad.
Email: Each Friday night, you'll get an email with a link to the weekly content.
Zoom: The meet-ups will happen on.... Zoom! (what would an online program be like without a little Zoom?)
Your Life: This is is where Power Start really happens. This is where you'll make progress on your goals. This is where you'll test drive weekly content.
This is the 7th year (what?) of Power Start.
Many participants come back each year because of the results they’ve had. Power Start has become the way they start their year. It gives them the structure and accountability to get going on their goals.
And the cool thing?
That has a productive spillover effect into all of life.
The first three months of the year are golden. If you can use this time deliberately, you can change the trajectory of your year.
So, bring your goals and aspirations – whether about health, habits, career, personal or work projects, skills, interests, or more...
By March 31 (when everyone else is realizing a quarter of the year is past), you’ll be smiling....
You’ll have made progress on your goal(s) and positioned yourself for a productive year.
And, you will have learned techniques to maintain this momentum.
How you start matters.
Let's start together.
Lindsay Satterfield
Productivity Trainer & Coach
Will Power Start take a lot of time?
I know that none of us have a lot of extra bandwidth these days. The program is designed to fit into your schedule, not take it over.
The weekly content is 20 - 30 minutes each week (which you can combine with a walk). And truly, it's easy to spend that much time scrolling through Instagram.
Each week, there will be assignments for how to take the ideas I share into your life... to make it better. To make it more productive. To make things easier.
Is this just for personal goals? Can I use this for my goals at work?
The techniques you learn in Power Start can definitely be applied to work goals. And if you’re a business owner or have a side gig, Power Start can help you make progress on those goals, too.
What types of goals have participants pursued in Power Start?
In a word (or two): all types.
Participants have improved health and fitness, gotten promoted, learned languages, lost weight, started or accelerated businesses, organized garages and basements (finally), written books, switched careers, landed new jobs, reached big financial goals, learned to paint, run a marathon, pursued hobbies, accomplished work projects, made changes to how they approached work, built helpful habits, and more....
I'm not a group person. Will I still get benefit if I don't attend the group sessions?
Absolutely. The group meet-ups have become many people's favorite part of the program (to their surprise). But it's totally fine if you decide the group thing isn't your thing.
How long will I have access to Power Start 2025?
You'll have access to the program through the end of April (a month following the official close of the program on March 31).
You'll be able to download and save the workbook and material so you'll have it after the program.
What do people use the optional coaching for?
Pretty much anything and everything related to goal-getting.
Often it's figuring out solutions to challenges that come up along the way.
This program isn't just about accomplishing the specific goals - it's about building the skill of goal getting and making progress on things that matter. So, all that is fair game to explore in the coaching session -if you choose that option.
Hello. I'm Lindsay Satterfield.
I'm a productivity trainer and coach.
For over 15 years, I've helped professionals boost their productivity to achieve the results they want through in-person and online training, coaching, and facilitation.
I teach and coach people like you - in groups or solo - how to be productive, how to make that "dent" or difference - in a fast, fascinating, and messy world.
I can show you how to regain control, make space, find time, get clear, and accomplish the things that are important to you and your work - while staying calm, cool, and collected. I draw on findings from brain science - so that solutions work with your brain, rather than against it.
I work with professionals in small businesses and large enterprises in the non-profit, for-profit, and government sectors. I share my expertise with clients globally - from Latin America to Africa, the Far East and beyond - because it seems everyone everywhere is looking for ways to survive and thrive in the information-saturated, constantly changing, always-on world of work (and life).
When I say professionals - I mean those who are (happily) serious about the business of work and life. They know that time is precious and effort matters.
It's a privilege to work with people like you - the movers and shakers, the doers and makers, who each day wake up to do it all again and give their best to their duties and dreams.